
General information

  • Exchanged or returned goods need to be in their original state and package. Used, damaged, stained, or any other condition (ex: odor) which would prevent goods to be resold as new can't be returned nor exchanged.
  • Shipping costs and any other cost indured due to returns or exchanges are at the clients charge.
  • can't and will not assume responsibility for loss or damage during return or exchange shipping.
  • All returned and exchanged goods are evaluated on resaleability and/or authenticity of the claim in case of defect or error on dispatched goods.
  • Returns and exchanges can only be requested and performed on purchases made through online store.
  • Personalized items are not returnable; You can not return a personalized item if you do not like the end result of the embroidery, if the font or choosen colour did not produce the desired effect nor for the purchase of a wrong size.

Steps to follow:

  1. Let us know what went wrong. Send us an email ( or call us (0032(0)92108883). Be sure to mention your order number and the reason for your return/exchange.  
  2. We will evaluate and confirm your request by email (note that a final acceptance can only be guaranteed after evaluation of the goods upon reception see step 4).
  3. Resend the goods to the following address: Agerti NV, Broekstraat 86, 9270 Laarne, Belgium. 
  4. Upon reception we evaluate the goods for resaleability and/or authenticity of the claim.
  5. In case the request is accepted, we will dispatch the exchange goods or refund your order ASAP. If after evaluation the claim is rejected, we will resend the goods at the customers expense and request, no recharge will be due.

Your order does not match what you've received

  • In case we accidentally dispatched wrong references and/or wrong sizes, we will gladly exchange these for the correct ones.
  • If the correct goods are no longer available, you can either choose another item which is in stock -with same price as the one of the original order-, or ask for a refund. In case of refund we will repay all charges (incl. all shipping costs).
  • can't and will not assume responsibility for loss or damage during return shipping.